The compound where Osama was killed is right downtown in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Google Earth shows this as being three miles from the neighboring town of Kakul.
Google Earth also shows Kakul as being the home of ....The Pakistan Military Academy?!?!?
he Pakistan Military Academy (also known as PMA or Kakul) is a four-year coeducational. (See: [1]). It is located at Kakul near Abbottabad in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The Pakistan Military Academy is similar in function to Sandhurst, Saint-Cyr or West Point and provides training to the officers of Pakistan Army. The academy has three training battalions and twelve companies. Another two thousand guest each year, from over 34 countries, receive some training at PMA.
Now, what gives here? The Pakistan military was trying really hard to find OBL - who was just three miles away from their main military academy.
Just sayin'....